2019 Saskatoon Headhunters Brewing Competition Results are Live!

The wait is over and the results are in! Thanks to all who entered our 5th annual competition, every year just gets better and better!

A big congratulations to our Best of Show Winner Alex Blais (and co-brewers Chris Frederiksen, Adam Crysler, Ryan Steffler, Ben Moncey) with their Lambic named Betty’s Golden Sour 2! This was a delicious and excellent example of the style.

Our other best of show places are listed below. Great job to these brewers as well!

BoSNameClubStyleSubstyleStyle Name
1stAlex Blais23DLambic
2ndSteve Shaw29BFruit & Spice Beer
3rdKevin CollinsSaskatoon Headhunters17BOld Ale
HMDavid Green12AEnglish Golden Ale

Full results are now live at database.saskatoonheadhunters.ca!

A huge thank you as well to all our sponsors for providing some sweet prize swag! In no particular order (hopefully I got them all!)

9 Mile Legacy Brewing Company, Stumbletown Distilling, Nokomis Craft Ales, High Key Brewing, Rebellion Brewing, Pile Of Bones Brewing, Five Star Chemicals, Makers Malt, Great Canadian Hops, Cabin Brewing, The Establishment Brewing Company, Winston’s English Pub, and 21st Street Brewing!

First Meeting of the 2019-2020 Season!


Our September meeting is coming up next week (7:30pm, Tuesday September 10th) at Paddockwood.

It is our kickoff and Annual General Meeting so as such there is no brewing topic but we’ll have some club finance updates, executive elections (or just reconfirmations if it goes like the past few years…) and open discussions.

Hope to see you there!
